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How to Support Sunshine Coast Businesses During Covid 19

How to Support Sunshine Coast Businesses During Covid 19

I love seeing how the Sunshine Coast community is rallying together as we all adjust to the new realities of life during Covid 19. 


Many small businesses here (and across the nation) are facing unprecedented challenges as they have had to close down or drastically shift operations. Depending on the sector, some businesses are able to adapt by operating online, doing deliveries or take-out, or completely shifting to making and selling new products and services to meet growing needs in other areas.


The Sunshine Coast has always been a collaborative, supportive community and during these tough times we need one another now, more than ever. I’ve compiled a list of ways you can support our local economy. 



If your finances allow, I encourage you to support local in a new and creative way by “pre-buying” services. You could purchase gift certificates from your hair stylist, continue paying a membership fee to your favourite gym, or pre-purchase an art piece from a local artist. Every little bit helps entrepreneurs and businesses keep going during these uncertain times. You can also learn more about local businesses by visiting, which also links to a GoFundMe campaign designed to raise funds for local businesses. 


Purchase local products at the grocery store

There are many amazing items created here on The Coast, available in your local grocery store. Next time you’re doing your essentials shopping, pick up a product made or grown here in our community. Here are some great examples: 


  • Ginger Jars uses grocery store food waste to make soups and sauces. They are still operating and are also offering support to anyone facing food insecurity. If you are in need of food, email them at
  • Holy Crap cereal is made lovingly here on the Sunshine Coast.  

Ginger Jars

Tim and Stephanie and family of Drift Restaurant and Ginger Jars


Share on social media

If you hear about a local business that is getting creative right now, share their story on social media. The more people who become aware of how Sunshine Coast businesses are adapting, the more we can all come together to support. 


Buy from a local restaurant or producer

While all restaurants and bars have been asked to shutter their doors, many are getting creative, offering meal specials for take out and delivery. Here is a running list of eateries and craft beverage makers. These are just a few and the list is always growing. Please visit the Coast Culinary Collective website for up-to-date information.



tapworks brewing

Jeff Baringer and Danice Lofstrum of Bruinwood Distillery


The Butcher

Owners Adam and Shannon Vanderwood and Staff of The Gibsons Butcher



Co-owner of Buono Osteria – Ryan Kingsberry


Life is certainly unpredictable at the moment, but together we can get through this. Hang in there Sunshine Coasters. We’ve got this!

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